LA Hybrids are a cross between Asiatic and Longiflorum lilies, producing larger Asiatic-style flowers with the added stem length of Longiflorum varieties. The stems reach approximately 90 cm in height and usually bear 4-5 blooms each. Bulbs will flower about 15 weeks after planting.
Liliums require well-drained soil; heavy or clay soils are unsuitable as they can cause the bulbs to rot. Protection from strong winds is recommended to prevent damage to the stems and flowers. Liliums prefer full sun and are ideal for growing in pots and containers. They also make great cut flowers. For best results, always use a potting mix designed for bulbs and fertilise regularly.
Tips: Plant immediately after purchase and do not allow the bulbs to dry out.
Suitable for all climates.
Supplied as a pack of two dormant bulbs.