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Lilium LA Hybrid Mixed

Wholesale Sales Only

Lilium LA Hybrid Mixed offers a stunning array of tall, brightly coloured flowers. These hybrids combine the best features of Asiatic and Longiflorum lilies, resulting in larger Asiatic-style blooms with the extended stem length of Longiflorum varieties. Stems reach approximately 90 cm in height and typically produce 4-5 blooms each. Expect bulbs to flower around 15 weeks after planting.

SKU: TCLILLHM005 Category: Tag:


LA Hybrids are a cross between Asiatic and Longiflorum lilies, producing larger Asiatic-style flowers with the added stem length of Longiflorum varieties. The stems reach approximately 90 cm in height and usually bear 4-5 blooms each. Bulbs will flower about 15 weeks after planting.

Liliums require well-drained soil; heavy or clay soils are unsuitable as they can cause the bulbs to rot. Protection from strong winds is recommended to prevent damage to the stems and flowers. Liliums prefer full sun and are ideal for growing in pots and containers. They also make great cut flowers. For best results, always use a potting mix designed for bulbs and fertilise regularly.

Tips: Plant immediately after purchase and do not allow the bulbs to dry out.

Suitable for all climates.

Supplied as a pack of four dormant bulbs.

Additional information

Price Code

B – Aqua Pack

Botanical Name

Lilium ssp

Quanity in Pack

4 Bulbs

Flowering Time


Planting Time

Plant from June onwards

Growing Height


Planting Depth


How to Plant

Liliums thrive when planted in clusters, making them excellent companion plants. Whether in pots or garden beds, planting them in groups ensures proper growth. Position the bulbs so they lean slightly inward to encourage mutual support for the tall stems, and place a stake in the center for additional support as they grow. An ideal location is one that offers full sun to partial shade with some protection from the wind.


Enjoys a well drained, slightly acidic, organic rich soil. Prepare the soil with well-rotted animal manure or a complete fertiliser before planting.


Fertilise regularly during spring with a complete fertiliser. Liliums may require staking, especially if located in a shady location, more shade results in taller stems. Enjoys being left undisturbed.


Water regularly during the warmer months.


Prune plants down to ground level once the foliage has died off completely, but no earlier. Bulbs can be left in the ground to naturalise for several years without having to transplant them. If you are planning to lift and separate your bulbs, this should be done in autumn. Replant without delay. Liliums dislike being moved and wet feet.
They are generally pest resistant; aphids may be a problem but easily dealt with.

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